
商务PowerPoint模板 by denscreativestd

Introducing 商务PowerPoint模板 This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purposes, such as: Creative Agency, Company 箴file, Corporate and Business,...
出售s: 37
公司工具箱PowerPoint演示模板的 Best Company Presentation Toolbox For PowerPoint Template Solutions reduces your work by supplying templates designed with busy entrepreneurs in...
出售s: 14
用这个万能的模板给你的观众留下深刻印象! 适合商务和个人使用. Add your content, images, and brand colors, and you're ready to confidently present your slides!
出售s: 2
介绍精英演示是一个干净的, versatile, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template to present your business to potentials clients in a elegant way, Elite Business...
出售s: 434
房屋建设PPT PPT模板
This ‘House Construction PPT’ is a PowerPoint template designed for presentations covering topics related to construction plans. 通常蓝色给人信任感,这将使...
出售s: 6
现代演示模板,以良好的视觉效果呈现您的工作. 此模板适用于业务演示, project showcase, lookbook, branding, advertising and many more.FILES...
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This ‘Global Warming PPT Vertical’ is vertical type PowerPoint presentation template designed based on illustration covering themes related to earth and global warming. 的 vertical template in...
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Nova Multipurpose PowerPoint TemplateWe design professional and creative presentation templates for helping you make presentations easier and faster. 这个模板中的每个细节都是...
出售s: 73
品牌指导方针ppt模板 is a Company Brand Guideline and Manual Book presentation template that gives you an effective way to Branding your business
出售s: 1
用这个万能的模板给你的观众留下深刻印象! 适合商务和个人使用. Add your content, images, and brand colors, and you're ready to confidently present your slides!
🔥 LIFETIME UPDATES! 🔥Data Visualization This template is designed for big data related to data processing, analysis and storage. 它还包括一些有用的形状,您可以修改它们...
出售s: 10
互动书籍- PowerPoint模板
完全可编辑的PowerPoint图书模板, easy to insert colors, text and photos 20 different slides with interactive tabs to improve your presentation design
出售s: 3
Sierra -作品集ppt模板
SIERRA Portfolio PowerPoint TemplateSIERRA is a minimal-style template for showing your portfolio. This template is suitable for those who want to show their portfolio simply and excitingly—ideal...
出售s: 1
Slide unique, creative, modern, and attractiveeasy-to-edit PowerPoint templates with just a few simple drag and dropContent can be fully and easily edited, saving time, and quickly editing...


作为一名设计师,你可以最大限度地发挥你的创造潜力! 如果你真的很有天赋,你的创造力是无限的. 你可以擅长平面设计、网页设计、装饰或室内设计! 但你的才华要看你的表现. 那么,为什么不为你的潜在客户和雇主建立一个呢? 这很容易,也不耗时, especially if you have tools like the design PowerPoint templates from Templateog体育首页 always at hand. 客户对结果很满意,因为这不需要付出努力. 你可以使用现成的布局,免去不必要的麻烦. 请选择最好的建议并将其应用到个人实践中.


使产品的使用尽可能的简单和高效, 你需要研究发展. You have two ways:

  • 阅读附件中的文档. Often, developers package their products with a descriptive document that shows how to use them and the development potential.
  • 在互联网上搜索有用的文章. 幸运的是,有很多不同的语言版本. 这款产品相对来说并不新鲜. 所以,已经有足够多的专家文章可供你阅读.

无论你选择哪一种,你都应该给它时间. This works for the future. 做过几次演讲, you'll learn how to master the development and complete the tasks faster thoroughly.



在设计PowerPoint模板的潜在有趣功能中, 我们强调以下几点:

  • Slides to choose from. 通常超过三十件. 它们在设计和功能方面都是理想的.
  • 很酷的布局,你可以编辑.
  • 拖放-该选项允许移动布局的各个部分.
  • Attached instruction.
  • Light and dark background. 这里的时尚变化频繁. 现在黑色背景非常流行. 买方做决定.
  • Icons to choose from. In addition to the necessary ones, developers often add other options for development icons.
  • Color schemes. 为你的品牌选择合适的.





  • It's possible to make a top-quality presentation for your prospects by editing premium graphic design PowerPoint templates the way you like. 使用下载包中提供的库存图像批处理. 想象一下,你不必从头开始做演示. 尝试一个新的设计,并根据个人需要进行编辑.
  • 当你订购我们的PowerPoint设计模板时,你会得到一个下载包. 的 .zip file offers a selection of slides and pictures that you can alter to get the desired appearance. 如果你是Adobe Photoshop软件的熟练用户,那就太好了. 在这种情况下,一组PSD源文件将完全供您使用. Edit them as you see fit and add new content to supply your visitors with a top-notch demonstration. Please remember that our design presentation templates comply with Microsoft PowerPoint from 2003 onwards.
  • 明智地选择设计布局. 交互式播放器使预览简单直观. 它能帮助你快速做出正确的决定 & easy! As you might have guessed, creating a high-quality design presentation is no rocket science. 使用可用的模板使其适合您的个人目的!
  • 尽量简洁具体. 优美的文本是用于其他目的的.
  • 用视觉效果和图形使文本多样化. 因此,读的东西更容易理解.
  • Don't overdo the visuals. 他们应该支持主要信息,而不是吸引所有的注意力.

How To Add Audio

加入美丽的声音来营造一种特殊的氛围怎么样? 你可以通过这种方式改变潜在受众的想法. Add any background song from YouTube to a PowerPoint presentation making those steps:

  • 下载您想要添加的音乐.
  • Open the presentation click Insert->Audio->Audio on My PC-> Find the required file.
  • Find the music icon on the slide, find Audio Tools->Playback. Now make sure that it starts automatically and select "Play across Slides" and "Hide During Show."

Purchase design themes for PowerPoint and present your talents in the best way possible!



的 product contains ready-made presentation pages you can change according to your needs and add new information. 即使是那些刚开始创业的人也能负担得起这个价格. 请仔细查看您所购买的许可证,并选择合适的许可证.


Developments are suitable for people who want to optimize and speed up work processes. 的 selection on this page is made for interior design business owners, designers, and architects.


在本页找到伟大的现代解决方案. 我们已经处理并过滤了报价. 选择其他商家查看更多产品. 此外,游客还可以找到不同业务类型的其他产品. 查看过滤器并做出选择以获得最佳建议.


Choose the layout that is logically connected with the main concept of the website design and brand. 记住,买家可以随心所欲地改变所有的颜色、字体和页面. 此外,发现特征列表以找出您需要的选项.


寻找一种方式来设计你的设计演示? 检查要在Powerpoint项目中应用的最新排版趋势. 这些字体非常适合装饰 & design firms.